Bubble bubble pop pop

My mail just arrived. :) heehee! These are the leggings that i ordered from GMarket.(they recently changed it to Qoo10 or something. WHATTT.. =.=) so pretty :D It took 2 weeks to get here from korea but it is the average time it takes to deliver so, no complains. ^.^b
The quality of the colourful one is not bad for less than $10each. :) It is veryvery comfortable. :) When worn, I feel so smooth. :D
On the contrary, the jeggings however, was a bit pokey inside but when worn it just feel like... something sticking to me. Don't really recommend that.

I decided to stay at home and do a few of my own stuff. Have a little ME day. Even though I have had many me days.

Guess what??? My mom got me animal biscuits! The owl is probably the cutest among all! I love owls. :D

I'm still awaiting my prom dress. :( hope it comes by soon. AWwwWWWWwwWWwWWWWW.. If it takes too long, I must take extreme measurements to purchase my prom dress somewhere in SG. ><
I don't want to look like everyone else. :(

I have to stay up to catch my with my work. )';
Sorry. Didn't do much today so don't have much to show you. So long!



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